Small Talks: A New Year Resolution
As I make my annual/bi-annual trek back up to Canada, I had the opportunity to meet many friends (not much family since they are all in China). Among these opportunities was the long-dreaded annual family friends gatherings. As a kid, I hated these gathering. To be honest, as a pseudo-adult, these gatherings are not much more fun. The part that makes these gatherings less fun are the mandatory small talk segments.
Personally, I don’t think small talks are particular bad. One specific reason I don’t like them is because I suck at them. Generally, the below conversation is how one of my small talk conversations goes.
Scarred by the past week’s socially awkward moments, I have made a goal to improve on my small talk abilities. There are always so much to talk about and learn about from someone, it is time to squash some crickets. While I am talking about new year resolutions, here is a complete list of my new year resolutions for 2025.
Tom’s Resolutions for 2025 and Beyond
- Have more meaningful small talks
- Dive head first into more things without hesistating (maybe not a good idea)
- Play less League of Legends (like way less)
- Exercise way more (don’t be this guy -> 🥔)
- TBH just complete one or two of these
Happy late 2025 and here’s to hoping that I accomplish any of these goals for 2025.